The Entropy of Memory

stereo fixed media

The Entropy of Memory reflects on notions of the universe’s natural tendency to move from order to chaos, a primary factor that physicists theorize encourages us to experience the “arrow of time” as constantly moving forward. While time moves forward, we anticipate the future, experience the now, and lodge experiences in our memories. However, as time passes, memories of our more distant past often lose the vivid clarity that they initially held, sometimes dissolving into vague recollections or becoming completely lost. This last movement of The Persistence of Time and Memory represents a thick fog of sonic memory that is awash with fleeting memories of sounds from the distant past. In particular, these sonic remembrances consist of brief excerpts from key moments of my older compositions that are stretched and manipulated spectrally. These aural reflections are combined with synthetic tones that gradually dissolve from pitched tones into noise.