Bang, Crunch, Bounce

stereo fixed media

Bang, Crunch, Bounce is inspired by Loop Quantum Gravity, a theory that strives to create a grand unifying theory that merges quantum mechanics and general relativity. This theory  speculates that our known universe is in an infinite cycle consisting of a Big Bang, a subsequent expansion followed by a contraction, or Crunch, until everything compresses into another Big Bang, from which another universe Bounces into existence. This composition contains numerous bang/crunch/bounce cycles as I create a very small set of sonic universes. Within each of these cycles, an acoustic sound world emerges and regresses. Each cycle is exponentially shorter than the previous soundscape, much like the duration of bounces of a ping pong ball become shorter and shorter. Within this work, each sonic environment presents one of my favorite recorded environments that I have collected over the last three decades. Special thanks to the Visby International Centre for Composers for providing me with the residency that made this composition possible.